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Developmental Academy Coaching Sessions

Week 6 - Turning
by Darren Beesley, (USSF A / UEFA A)

Warm Up - Gates - 10mins

Each Player has a ball. Set up the correct amount of gates required based on the amount of players you have. Each player dribbles through the gates focusing on keeping the ball under control and close to their feet. Emphasis on turning back through the same gate using various moves to replicate turning away from a defender..


Coaching Point - Encourage each player to use both feet whilst using various parts of their feet, Inside, outside, the sole. Look over their shoulder before turning, Cruyff turns, Drag backs, Outside hooks.


Make it fun - Time the players. Have a competition who can dribble through the most.


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Advancement - Triangles - 5mins

Add in an additional cone to each gate now making them Triangles. This time the players should focus on a change of direction with a change of speed.  Enter the gate slow keeping the ball close to their feet, accelerate out of either side of the triangle at speed.


Coaching Point - Add in a move to beat a defender, scissors, inside/outside, Step over.


Make it fun. Once again time the players to add an element of competition, extra points if they incorporate a move/turn.


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Advancement - Squares - 5mins

Add in an additional cone to each Triangle now making them Squares. This time the players should focus on a change of direction with a change of speed from the center of the square.  Enter the square slow keeping the ball close to their feet, accelerate out of either side of the square at speed using various parts of the foot.


Coaching Point - Incorporate all moves from above.


Make it fun. Once again time the players to add an element of competition, extra points if they incorporate a move/turn.


Coaching Point - As above


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Colors Game - 10mins

Each player has a ball inside an area. Place a color cone on each side of the square or label it a soda, soccer team, fruit. Players dribble with the ball and the coach shouts out that color and each player has to turn and accelerate to that side of the area. 


Coaching Point - Turning, Change of direction, change of speed, ball control


Make it fun. Add in a move when turning, Elimination last player out, make it a competition.

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4 Goal Square Game - 10mins

Players go against each other 1v1 with a ball entering the square. The 4 goals are numbered 1-4. Once each player enters the square the coach yells out a numbered goal. Players then race to see who can score first. 


Coaching Point - Add in a move when turning, Change of speed, change of direction, finishing to goal.


Make it Fun - Competition see who scores the most.

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4v4 Game 20mins

4v4 Game. Try to play 4v4 whenever possible to reinforce the Shape of a Diamond whilst playing 4v4. If need be rotate players in and out to allow them to get used to game days on a Saturday.


Coaching Point - Diamond Shape, Spacing. Encourage all aspects of the Session/Turning.

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